Just a couple weeks ago, I was talking with one of the Haitian teachers at our school. He said, "I have a question for you, but I don't know how to ask. What makes you the way you are?" I laughed and asked what he meant. He responded, "You're different than other people...you're even different from other Americans. You treat everyone like equals. You're patient and gentle. You are always thinking about others. What made you be like that?"
I thought about it for a second and responded, "My parents."
(Dad you're included in this, too! But, its mother's day)
Ever since I was a child, my parents always taught me about God, faith, and how to live a life for others. As far back as I can possibly remember, my mom taught me to put others first and to show God's love. The beautiful thing about my mom is that she doesn't just say the words, she lives it.
Giving, serving, loving...its a lifestyle for my mom. It is in her very being, and her desire to do all that stems from the deep wells in her heart that are filled with the Father's love. I remember a long time ago when there was an immigrant family in town. They had many kids and lived in an old house without electricity. My parents would take our family to visit them and give them food and clothes. As a child, it didn't faze me that two Saturday's a month, my mom was volunteering her time at the local recycling center. It was by no means glamorous. She got no glory from it. But, she did it faithfully and joyfully. For years, my mom organized and lead youth mission trips around the U.S. every summer. It was a lot of work and stress, but my mom chose to do that because of her love of the teens in our church. Whenever there were people that would normally be overlooked because of their unkempt and shabby appearance, my mom saw them. For years, she would spend time with a woman that most other's didn't even give a second glance. She would visit her, drive her places if needed, and just love on her.

As a pre-teen, my mom and I would often butt heads. Every time I locked myself in my bedroom, upset. My mom
always came to find me, hug me, and in tears, we would apologize to each other.

As an adult, my mom is just as supportive as ever. Unlike many other parents, she has never pressured me to get married or tried to convince me to leave Haiti. In fact, the times I've been frustrated and wanted to leave Haiti, she has helped remind me why I'm here. Despite the fact that I have been a volunteer for the past four years and make absolutely no money, she is proud of me. I don't have a fancy house, nice clothes, or anything to show for myself, but she's proud of me. Because of her trust in God and her unshakable faith, she doesn't overreact or put her worries on me. I know that I can call her up and tell her about the good and the bad that happens here. Even when I tell her stories of scary, dangerous things that I've had to face, she is unwavering. Deep down, I know my mom wants grandkids. I know she wants to have her daughters close to her. But as always, she puts her own wants aside for the sake of what is best for others. She knows that I'm in Haiti to serve, and so she chooses to put my students above herself.

I think about the amazing example that my mom is and was for me in my life. If I ever get married or have children, I will be fortunate enough have incredible blueprints for how to be a good wife and mother. To me, my mom's life is marked with humility, laugher, joy, faith, kindness, patience, and gentleness. I can only hope to live up to the incredible example that she has set for me.
I love you, mama. Happy Mother's Day!