This week has been insane, and I'm feeling a little bit run down. We have had guests stop by our house everyday this week. Since Dorothy is so busy chauffeuring kids around, I have been the hostess. It is
really nice meeting and getting to know so many people from all over the US and other parts of the world, but it can also be exhausting. Like yesterday, I spent today taking care of/playing with all the kids and babies and being hostess. I haven't been getting much sleep this week because we haven't had electricity for the fans at night, and I think my body is still trying to recover from being so sick. Needless to say, I'm exhausted! Prayers for rest and energy So, I will just share a little bit from the day.
One of the guests that was here today runs two daycare centers. It was nice talking with her about childcare. She was very impressed with how happy and well cared for our children are here. That was really nice to hear!
The little boy, Bigerson, that we got yesterday is MUCH more sick that we realized when he came home with us. He has HIV, and we just got an email from the doctor today about his counts. I am still learning about all the HIV meds and counts. Dorothy explained to me that his CD4 counts are around 150. For a healthy child, it should be somewhere around 1500. He has 1.4% of what he should have. What that means is basically that he has almost no immune system. We have an INCREDIBLY fragile child here. He could die from a common cold. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray that we can keep him healthy!
This is Bigerson taking a nap with Brenda, the guest that is staying with us this week. |
At one point in the morning, I was trying to get Richardson (6yrs old) to show one of the guests his loose tooth. He was being difficult/bashful (which is VERY unlike him, ha) and tried to hide his face on my shoulder. He put his head down so quickly that he bumped his mouth and shouted, "OUCH!" I laughed and said, "Hey, maybe you knocked your tooth out." I didn't actually think that he did until our guest noticed that he was bleeding. I told him to open his mouth. Sure enough, there was no tooth there anymore! I found the tooth on my lap, ha! It was the first tooth he has ever lost. Dorothy had tried to explain to him recently what would happen whenever he lost his tooth, but he looked so startled and confused today when it finally happened. It was quite comical! Eventually he got over it and was excited about the new gap in his mouth. He put his tooth in his pocket so he could show all his friends at school.
Chacha was not quite sure what to think about that tooth in his hand, ha! |
Look at that toothless grin! |
Josue is such a character! |
This is Leika taking her first steps yesterday! |
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