Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Blessed Day

It is true that every day is a gift from God, but there are some days that I know Jesus showers special blessings and gifts upon me.  Yesterday was one of those days. 

Going to the clothing market in Gonaives is similar to going to a flea market or a yard sale.  You find various vendors each with little tables set up where you can dig through their piles of used clothing in search of a good find.  The clothing market is usually hit or miss.  Frequently, I find that the vendors are pushy, rude, and cranky.  If you look but don’t purchase they will sometimes yell, complain, or curse at you.  But, every now and then you catch them on a good day.  Thankfully, that happened yesterday.  Every vendor that my friends and I encountered was absolutely sweet and gentle and there was truly a sense of peace wherever we went.

As we wandered around looking at the various stands and tables full of clothing, I heard a woman behind me say, “That looks like the “blan” (white person) that prayed for us.”  I smiled and turned realizing that they were talking about me.  Two or three years ago on a similar walk through the market, I met the same man and woman.  They had been harassing me and I ended up laying on hands praying for both of them.  Since that day, each time our paths cross they refer to me as “the blan that prayed for us”.  

Yesterday as I smiled at them and said hello, the woman said, “When are you going to pray for me again?”  I laughed, “Do you want me to pray for you again?” I asked.  She responded saying, “Yes of course!  The last time you prayed for me lots of things in my life changed!”  I was stunned.  If I recall, that day I prayed for her husband’s injured knee to be healed, and it wasn’t.  I even remember a slight feeling of disappointment after I left the market.  

“I’ll pray for you now if you want.” I told her.  She explained that she needed prayer because she has been feelings persecuted.  So, right there in the market my two friends and I laid hands on this woman and prayed for her again.

It was a moment of encouragement that I needed.  It was a bolstering of faith, it reminded me that He is moving.  God is so good.  He is good even when I can’t see it, even when He seems silent, and even when I misunderstand Him.  He moves through me - despite me, and I can’t thank Him enough. 
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