Wednesday, November 19, 2014

You are mine.

As someone who isn't a parent yet, I would assume that choosing the name for your child would be both exciting and overwhelming.  Last week, I had the opportunity to do just that.  Not for myself, but for a family that is very close to my heart.

I met this family three years ago when I moved from Port-au-Prince to Gonaives.  Two of their  children were in my class that year and just a few weeks after school started, their youngest son became very sick and passed away.  I've been involved in their lives ever since.

Their son, Ifocoeur was in my class for two years.  He is outgoing, goofy, a natural leader, has a smile that lights up a room, and loves the Lord.

I will never forget last year the many times he shared with me how his heart is broken for his parents.  His father is a bokor (Vodou priest) and Ifocoeur longs for him to leave all that and know Jesus.  Many days we've sat together in tears praying for his parents.

The Lord has continued to bring this family to the forefront of my mind, and I know that He is relentlessly pursuing them.  I can't even begin to tell you all of the ways that God has been speaking and revealing His love for this family.

Prior to the baby being born, I have been visiting the family often and praying for them.  I truly believe the Lord has a huge plan for this family.  When the baby was born, I went in the morning to see the beautiful baby girl.  During the visit, they asked me if I would name her for them.

I was (and still am) shocked and humbled to have been giving such a huge honor and responsibility….to name a baby, to name someone else's daughter, to choose what she will be called for the rest of her life.  The human side of me was stressed and slightly overwhelmed at the pressure of coming up with a name for this precious little girl.  But, I realized that it was the Lord's favor that gave me this opportunity.

After racking my brain for names that would have meaning and significance (and still be able to be pronounced with a Haitian Creole accent) I had come up with zilch, zero, zip, nadda, nothing!  I started praying hoping that He would magically give me a name but all God told me was "She's mine."  And to that I said, "God, "mine" isn't' very pretty sounding and neither is "pa'm" (creole)".  So, I opened my bible and found Isaiah 43:

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze….You are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life…

I sat staring at the words in this chapter thinking how perfect this scripture is for this baby and for her family.  I know that although she is in the middle of a family that is currently devoted to "bagay mistik" (mystic things/practices), the Lord has already called her by name.  He has already said, "She's mine."  He has a plan for her life and she is in His hands.

So, with excitement and joy in my heart (and nervousness) I went to their house to tell the family  that the Lord says to her, "You are mine" and so her name is Aremine (pronounced 'ah-meen).  Words cannot describe how thankful, blessed, and humbled I am to have this opportunity to be a part of the lives of this family and to have been given the authority to say that this child is the Lord's.


  1. God is awesome and I am super proud of you.

  2. Wow Katie, what an amazing testimony for the Lord!

  3. Thanks for sharing about Ifocoeur - I was in Jubilee a few years back and he was my little buddy. I think about him so much. Glad that he has you around!


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