Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hiking to Eagle

As most of you know, now that I am living on my own here, I do not have a vehicle.  So, when its time for me to get groceries I need to either time it to catch a ride with someone else, or put on my walkin' shoes.  It is not hard to find a ride to the store, but some days it is just nice to get out and work up a sweat.

This past weekend, I decided to hike there on foot.  In reality, it is not a very long walk to get to the nearest grocery store, Eagle Market.  I would estimate that it is about a mile or maybe a mile and a half (one way).  If that were in my little hometown with sidewalks and smoothly paved roads, that would be no problem.  In fact, that would be quite enjoyable.  The problem here is that from my apartment to Eagle is uphill the entire way.  This is truly not an exaggeration.  The entire walk to the store is one long un-ending hill.  Not only that, but the quickest way that I know to get there on foot is over a VERY rocky road.


There are designated hiking trails in the United States that are smoother and more enjoyable than walking on the roads here.  In fact, I would even venture to say that I have never seen any "mountain roads" in Pennsylvania that are as bumpy and full of ruts as many of the roads here in Port-au-Prince, especially during rainy season.

Yes, that is a GOAT on the road...not a dog.


Aside from the difficult road conditions, there are many beautiful things to look at along the way.



I've never been so thankful for air conditioning as when I walked into Eagle Market to get my groceries!  Because I have to carry all of my groceries a mile or so back home (thankfully downhill), I can never purchase much at one time.  I take a heavy duty backpack along with me so that I can carry everything back home.  I was praising God the whole walk home that it was downhill for the return trip.  Seeing the school and the gate to my apartment was like a glimpse of heaven.


**Disclaimer: If you don't want to be grossed out please stop reading here.

Once I got home and unloaded my groceries, I happened to glance in the mirror.  I was actually frightened when I saw how sweaty I was.  I am typically not one who sweats excessively.  I think it was because I was wearing a backpack.  Naturally when I saw myself in the mirror, I was horrified and thankful that no one else was around to see me looking like that I immediately took a picture so that I could share it with all of you blog readers....I mean, after-all this blog is to share my life in Haiti and that is a part of living here, right?  (Gross, I know...but I couldn't resist sharing!)


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