Thursday, August 4, 2011

three suitcases and a guitar...

I am almost finished packing my life away into three suitcases.  My bags are filled to the brim, but I still have some more things that I want to take along.  So, now I need to either go back through all my bags to decide what I am going to take out so I can make more room OR just pay the extra baggage fee and bring another suitcase.  Ugh.  I hate packing...I hate packing...I hate packing.  Did I mention that I hate packing?

Today is my last day here in the United States.  It is pretty crazy how fast this trip has snuck up on me.  It seems like just yesterday I was leaving Haiti to come to the U.S.  I'm bursting with excitement at the thought of going back to Haiti, but I'm also sad to be leaving my loved ones here.

I've been getting a lot of questions from people lately so I thought I might as well answer some of them on here:

How long are you going for?

Well, I've been telling everyone a year.  To be honest, I don't know when I'm coming home exactly.  I will be gone anywhere from ten months to a year...not sure yet.

What are you going to be doing in Haiti?

This time around, I will not be living/working at Faith Hope Love Infant Rescue.  God presented an opportunity at the perfect time.  I will be teaching kindergarten (and helping teach pre-k) at TLC Barefoot School.  The school is located just down the street from FHLIR (where I volunteered before).  So, I will be able to continue to help Dorothy and spend time with "my kids" when I am not teaching.

Where are you going to live?

I will be living in my very own apartment!  Because I will not be getting paid to teach at TLC, they have generously allowed me to move into their apartment rent free!  The apartment was once home to Mr. Nickson, the school principle.  It is located directly beside the school so it will be very convenient.

What are you going to do in your free time?

When I am not busy teaching or planning.  I hope to spend my free time with the kids at Dorothy's house, ministering to those around me, and helping with the youth group at church.  If I am lucky, I might even have time to play guitar.

How are you going to live for a year without getting paid?

This is probably the question that I get asked the most.  My primary source of money is going to come from what I saved up while working two summer jobs.  I have also been very blessed by generous friends and family members who have donated funds.  Lastly, my church has assured me that should I need money, they will always help me.  I know it may sound crazy to go a year without an income.  God provided for my needs the last time I went to Haiti.  I know He will again.

What are you most worried about?

Nothing about living in Haiti really scares me.  What I am most worried about is being homesick/lonely. I have never lived alone before (not to mention alone in another country!!) so I don't really know if I am going to like it.  I'm really not too worried, but if I had to chose one thing that I was worried about that is what it would be.  I guess I should add that I'm worried about my dog, too.  I have to leave him behind in the United States.  I know my family will take good care of him, but he has been my best buddy ever since I saved his life in Haiti.  It absolutely breaks my heart to have to leave him behind!

How can I help?

I personally am always in need of prayer, as is Haiti.  If you happen to be interested in supporting me financially, you can click the "Support Me" link at the top of this page (located under the katie loves haiti picture).  Or, you can simply e-mail me.


1 comment:

  1. Safe flight Katie! We're all praying for you! You are amazing! <3


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