Saturday, February 28, 2015

100th Day of School!

Since the first day of school, each  my 1st graders have been practicing place value by counting the number of school days we've had.  I promised my students that when it was the 100th day of school, we would have a special day.  I told them I might even invite a 100 year old to come celebrate with us.  Needless to say, they met the 100th day with much anticipation.

The morning of the 100th day I requested help from my friend so I could transform myself from 27 to 100 years old.  Its amazing what a little make up and baby powder can do!

Dressing up as an old person anywhere is comical, in Haiti it makes you an absolute comedian.  Both the teachers and kids were beside themselves as they watched "Grandma Katie" in all her glory shuffling around with a walking stick.  Some teachers helped me walk.  I became quite a spectacle.

Some of the kids were slightly freaked out by my wrinkly appearance while others thought it was hilarious. Some of the kids knew instantly it was actually just me in costume. Other kids weren't
quite sure what to believe. 

The more I stayed in character, the more some kids started treating me as if I really was 100: opening doors for me, carrying things for me, and speaking extra loudly for me to hear them. 

Throughout the day we made 100th day hats, did a candy hunt to find the 100 pieces of candy that were hidden in my room, wrote 100th day poems, did special math activies, and drew portraits of ourselves at 100 years old. 

We shared the 100th day fun with the other classes by delivering 100 pieces of candy to the students and teachers in the other classes. 

It was a fun filled day for my class and me!!  All the kids wanted to know when Grandma Katie would come visit again. I told them their would have to wait until next years' 100th day. 

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