Monday, April 1, 2013

Moments that Make an Impact

One particular day several months ago I went to the clothing section of the market.  This section of the market is like an outdoor thrift store filled with used clothing imported from the states.  You rummage through piles of clothes and when you find something you like you have to barter to get a good price.  I remember that day many of the vendors were being rude and harassing us.  My friends all walked away to browse elsewhere, but I wasn't really interested in the clothes so instead I started a conversation with some of the people that were being rude to me.

To make a long story short, they were asking for money.  I said that I was not going to give them money but I could offer prayer instead.  I ended up praying for a man with back pain.  Nothing miraculous happened, but I did leave with new friends who were no longer harassing me.

Fast forward to today.  I went to that same section of the market, but I had forgotten about that event from several months earlier.  As I passed by the same man and woman and they both smiled and greeted me like an old friend.  We small talked for a while until my friends were ready to leave the market.  The Haitian man and woman said, "What?!  No, don't leave!  We want you to stay and talk longer.  Next time, come by yourself so that you can stay as long as you want."  I chuckled and promised that I would come back another day.  Just as I turned to leave they said, "Well, aren't you going to pray for us today??"

I couldn't have been more surprised or more happy!  Of course I gladly prayed for them and I walked away with a stupid silly grin on my face.  It was a perfect reminder that each interaction I have, each word that I exchange with others has an impact.  That day months ago I assumed those people would never remember me or that simple prayer.  Today, I was happily proven wrong.

Galatians 6:9 --  And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

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