Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

When I think about my dad, I think:

He is the most wise person I know.
He can solve any problem.
He can build anything.
He can fix anything.
He can make me laugh.
He gives selflessly always.
He loves the Lord more than anything.

Although we are miles apart in two different countries, I can't help but smile at the great memories that I carry with me everywhere I go:

Early mornings seeing Dad sitting on his chair drinking coffee and reading his Bible.  Leading my middle school youth group.  Using his vacation days not to take our family on vacations, but to take us on mission trips.  Pretending to "order food" from my restaurant in the basement when I was a little girl.  Playing Candyland with me more times than I could possibly count.  Making crazy home videos.  Helping me with my homework.  Riding so fast down a hill in our little red wagon that he burned the rubber on his sneakers trying to slow us down.  Woodworking in the garage.  Riding to Grandma's house together on the tandem bike.  Doing devotions with me before bed.  Riding my razor scooter and then wiping out in the middle of Rt. 45.  Wearing magnetic earrings to try and cheer me up when I was sick, then forgetting he had them on and going to to grocery store.  Building snowmen and snow forts in the backyard.  Almost crushing our car in the garage door while trying to explain to me "how to drive".  Taking us on crazy hiking adventures (and getting lost).  Teaching me to drive stick shift.  Giving his truck away to someone in need.  Visiting me in Haiti and fearlessly driving a motorcycle all over the city.  Encouraging me always.  Pushing me to pursue my dream even when it meant saying goodbye to me.

I always look up to you, Dad.  You taught me how to give my life for others.  You push me to keep going when I want to give up.  Your advice and your wisdom helps bring sense and clarity to my crazy life.  I love you!  Happy Father's Day!


  1. What a sweet trinute to your Dad. The magnetic earringg part is hilarious!

    Praying for you as you prepare to travel back to the US.


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