Thursday, August 29, 2013

Home again!

I'm home!  Getting back to Haiti has been a whirlwind:  Two flights, sleeping overnight in the airport, a third flight, and then riding in the back of the truck to total 31 hours in transit!

I'm finally here in Gonaives safe and sound, however, I still feel a bit like I am in transit.  At the end of last school year, I decided to move to a new apartment with a friend.  Currently, most of my belongings are in boxes and bags at my old apartment waiting to be moved.  So, that means I'm living out of a suitcase and in lots of unorganized clutter temporarily until I can move and unpack all of my belongings.

Being back in Haiti with all my Haitian, American, and Canadian loved ones has been great!  Most of us just arrived back from our summer breaks in the U.S. That means there is lots of catching up and story telling to do, not to mention a wedding celebration tomorrow for Chris and Grace!  It has been great to see all of my students' smiling faces in Jubilee and get lots and lots of hugs.  I made the rounds today in Jubilee and stopped in to visit several families near the school.  They all made sure to give me a hard time for being away too long.  It is nice to be missed.

I'm trying to keep up with all the excitement and changes.  On top of that, my body is trying to adjust to the Haitian summer heat and humidity.  The heat index today was a whopping 135 degrees Fahrenheit.  With such intense heat, simply walking around feels like it requires so much energy and you drip in sweat even when you're sitting still.  

 Craziness aside, it is oh so good to be home! 

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