Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fox News Video

I apologize for not writing last night.  Our internet connection has been bad for the past couple of days and I was unable to connect.

Things have been pretty laid back here.  It has been dreary and rainy for the past two days.  School has opened back up again for our kids so the house is a little quieter now.  Things seem normal on the streets of PAP.  No announcements have been make about the ballot recount.  I have just been keeping busy around the house helping the nannies and playing with the kids.  This afternoon, some people are bringing the little boy that had cholera to our house because he is finally stable. 

I am packed and ready to come home on Thursday.  So, I hope that American Airlines opens soon!

Here is the Fox News video clip from Sarah Palin and Franklin Graham's trip to Haiti.  You can actually see Dorothy and I at the very end of the video.  As Gretta is interviewing Franklin Graham, Dorothy and I are standing off to the right in the background.  You can't miss my blue skirt, ha!  Click here to watch it!

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