Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sick kids!

Yesterday was a typical day here at our house. I played with the kids and babies. Around 11 AM, little Guerdeline and I took a nap together on my bed. I haven't had as much energy the past couple days because of my cold. My mom hasn't been sleeping very well since she got here. So, we have kind of been taking it easy around here. At 5 PM, we went to prayer at the church. It was, as always, really great. Several prophesies were shared about this country, and everyone in our group feels an urgency to pray fervently for Haiti.

Last night, Dorothy said while my mom and I were at prayer, she went around the house praying for evil spirits to leave. She said that it seemed like all the children and babies seemed distressed and crying at the same time. She could sense that the house seemed under spiritual attack. By the time that mom and I got home, it seemed peaceful.

Today, I feel like our house is being plagued. Considering the amount of children that we have here, I guess is really isn't all that bad. I have a nasty cold, Johnny is still recovering from his virus/fever, Christian has been very sick for 4 days and we are pretty sure its malaria, today Claudine has a fever and is saying that her eyes hurt, and on top of that many of the babies have runny noses. Oh, and I almost forgot Nala (one of our dogs) has some type of infection and has been peeing all over the house.
Since we have so many sick kids, the house is much quieter today.

So, Dorothy, Mom, and I have been taking it easy and taking care of all the sick kiddos. I am hoping for sunshine tomorrow so that we can work on painting the wall. The kids are all back to school tomorrow. So, we will hopefully be able to get back to our regular routine of things.

Please pray for healing for all of our sick kiddos and nice weather so that mom and I can get work done outdoors. Continue to pray for our tiny little Rose Michele with HIV. Her skin seems to be improving since she arrived. Now, we would like her to continue to gain weight and strength. Tamara, the other little girl we got last week was been checked by an American pediatrician today. She is 17 months old and only weighs 13 pounds. The doctor told us that Tamara needs a full body scan done in the U.S. starting with her head as the most important thing. She has curved shin bones, short legs, short arms, cannot hold her head up, her spine looks like it is curved (but not like scoleosis), there is a problem with her hips, and her soft spot has not fused. So, it looks like we will definitely need to get her a medical visa. Please pray for this precious girl. She basically spends her day laying on her stomach or back without moving around. She needs a miracle!

Our tiny little Rose Michele on her first night at our house.  She is too weak to drink from a bottle so we have to feed her from a syringe.  It is hard in pictures to really see how tiny she actually is...she feels like a newborn when you hold her.
Rose Michele's tiny little arms were SO dry and cracked when she got here Wednesday.  They are slowly improving.
Rose Michele's tiny legs also very cracked and dry.

She is SUCH a happy baby...I'm in love!                 

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