Sunday, March 6, 2011

Generator Trouble

A friend, Lauren, arrived here yesterday afternoon to stay here for a week.  So, as always, it was a VERY busy day of picking her up getting her settled in, and introducing her to everyone.  We were both so exhausted, her from traveling and me from being sick, that we were sound asleep by 8 PM.

Today, I realized that our generator was not working.  I could not get it to turn on so I called the company to come service it.  They promised that they would be there right away in the morning.  So, naturally I knew that it would be late afternoon before they would come (Haitians have a different concept of time).  Sure enough, I was right they came some time around 2 PM!  They changed the oil and replaced some filters and informed me that it would not work until I replace the battery.  However, they do not sell nor install the batteries....go figure.  So, I paid $182 US dollars and it still does not work.  The Haitian man that we used to always rely on to help us with problems like that unexpectedly died a week ago.  I have no idea where to buy a new generator battery, how much they cost, or how to install them.  Pray to God that EDH city electricity stays on for a long time or we are in BIG trouble.  Typically, EDH is terrible and VERY unreliable.  With inverter batteries that do not work and a generator that is temporarily out of commission, EDH is our only source of electricity...scary thought.  So, should you not hear from Lauren and, I don't worry we mostly likely have no power.

Please pray that we find someone to help get a new battery installed in the generator!

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