Thursday, March 10, 2011

Praise God, Praise God, Praise God!

It seems that all my recent blog posts were updates on my heath.  I apologize, but since I spent the better part of the last two weeks sick in bed, there was not much else to write about.

I started feeling better yesterday, but went to the hospital anyways just in case.  They were very thorough and did a number of blood tests.  Thankfully, all the tests came back normal.  So, it seems that I've had some bad virus.  After I got home from the hospital, my fever spiked again and I was nauseous all night.  But, I am happy to report that I woke up today feeling healthy and almost normal again!  PRAISE GOD!!!  Thank you all so much for your prayers.  It was a really long and miserable two weeks, but God is good and I think I'm finally getting better now.

Other good news is that Dorothy is scheduled to fly into Port-au-Prince around 4PM this afternoon!  It has been almost three weeks since she went to the states.  She will be bringing Poutchino with her.  Poutchino is an 8 year old little boy that has been with Dorothy since he was about a year old (I think).  He has hydrocephalus and very bad seizures.  He spent the last year living with a host family in the United States getting medical care.  His visa is expiring now, so he must return to Haiti.  However, a family is interested in adopting him.  So, we are hoping and praying that he will only be back in Haiti for a very short time until his adoption can go through.  Because his medical needs are so extensive, he really needs to get back to the United States ASAP.

1 comment:

  1. So thankful for the update, and yes, Praise God, indeed! We'll keep praying from our little spot in PA. :-) Much love, Kate.


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