Today we were planning on going to a training seminar about how to help people who have experienced trauma in their lives. Those plans went down the drain when more quests unexpectedly showed up at our house again. So, we ended up staying home, entertaining, playing with kids, and working around the house all day. I'm exhausted again, and for the sake of time, I'm just going to write about Rosa. I realize I've written about her a little before, but I'm going to some more, ha!
As I mentioned before, Rosa is five years old and has HIV. She came here when she was four years old without Dorothy knowing much about her. After being evaluated by a pediatrician, it was determined that she was sexually abused. We do not know who did it or any details.
Fast forward one year.
When I arrived, it seemed like Rosa took to me pretty quickly even though she is usually quite shy around strangers. Since I have been here, I've observed some things. Any time that she is hurt (falls down, gets hit by another child, etc.) she goes into a "fit" as I've been calling them. The typical behavior each time is that she cries for a long time until I can finally calm her down. She usually does not want to leave my side. She doesn't talk. Any little noise or person talking to her may cause her to start crying again. She prefers to be somewhere away from other children where it is quiet. She walks as if she has pain in her genital area. She has trouble falling asleep, and once, she even wet the bed multiple times after having a "fit".
Dorothy and I have talked about it several times trying to understand what is happening to her during these times. The only theory I really have is that physical pain somehow makes her have some type of panic attack or flashback to her previous abuse. I don't know how to help her through it besides give her TLC like I have been. She does not speak English, and I speak limited Creole. So, that can make it a little difficult, too.
We would love to be able to take her to a child physiologist for therapy, but because we are in Haiti, that is not available. I have been laying hands on her and praying for a miraculous healing of her past abuse and her HIV. In the meantime, if anyone has any advice, please feel free to email me! Please keep her in your prayers often!
Rosa goofing around on my bed. |
Rosa when her hair is not in its braids...CRAZY! |
Rosa and I |
This is Josue. He is about a year and a half now. When he came to Dorothy's, he was severely malnourished. His parents are dead and his aunt was caring for him. Just look at him now! He has got SUCH a personality! |
Look at Youvendjii pulling himself up onto one knee in his crib! We are so excited he is started to get stronger! |
He wants to walk so badly, and he should since he is 2.5 years old! |
This is one of the 2 enormous roaches that have taken up residence in my bathroom. |
Every time I do laundry, the kids come running so that I will spray them with the hose. Johnny loves it! |
Look at little Claudine (she's 4) standing on her tippy toes. I walked into the kitchen and found her washing all the dishes for us. SO SWEET! |
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