In the morning, Richardson and I went to the vet's office to visit Jake, our puppy. The cages for the animals that are kept overnight are outside. When we arrived, my heart stopped because the cage that Jake had been in was now empty. I quickly went inside and told the person at the desk that we would like to see Jake. I was assuming the worst.
The man led us outside and showed us to a different cage. Jake no longer had his IV in, and he was practically shaking his entire cage because he was so excited to see us! The man told us that he was all better and we could take him home!! Chacha and I couldn't believe it! When I got to see the doctor, he told me that he could not believe he recovered so quickly. If you remember, they said he would have to stay a minimum of 72 hours. It had been less than 48 hours, and he was fully recovered! In fact, I even got some of my deposit back because they had to do less treatment than expected. I am 100% certain that was God's miraculous healing! God's children prayed for one of his dying creatures, and he heard their prayers! Jake is a miracle puppy!
When we got Jake home, the kids were very happy to see them. Even several of the nannies were really exited to see him (and Haitians are not fond of dogs).
Thank you, God for showing your children how much you love them. Thank you for answering their plea for healing!
Jake with the IV that I put in before we could get him to the vet. |
Jake and his IV. He was one VERY sick puppy! |
Chacha and Jake on the ride home from the vet's! |
Jake resting on my nice new bedspread (a Christmas gift from my parents). Notice the freshly painted purple wall in the background. :) |
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