Sunday, January 30, 2011

Quality time with the girls

Today I took Rosa, Claudine, Mich, and Chacha to church with me. Dorothy is still sick, so she stayed home to rest. After church, I spent the day playing with the kids around the house. In the afternoon, I decided to run a quick errand to get some things for Dorothy. I decided to take Rosa and Cladine with me since I took both of the boys to visit Jake while he was at the vet's office.

The boys did not seem to understand that it was only fair to take the girls somewhere too. So, they both cried their eyes out after we left. The girls were SO excited to go out with me. We only went to a gas station to buy bread and a phone card! They didn't care. They were as happy as could be!

While I was gone, Richardson was so angry that I didn't take him along, that he snuck into my bedroom. He found some Clorox cleaning spray and decided to take revenge by spraying it all over my beautiful freshly painted walls. Needless to say, it took the color right out! When I got home, I walked into my room and saw I had two walls that were purple with light blue splotches!  I was SO MAD!  There are many challenges that come with living with so many children.  They just do not get the one on one time that they so badly need!  I'm really getting broken in on my parenting skills.

After I repainted the walls where they were bleached.  Rosa, Claudine and I baked a cake together.  They LOVED it!  It was a blast.  They especially enjoyed licking the spatula and beaters, haha!  Claudine had so much fun that she said, "Bon travay, Miss Katie!"  Which means, "Nice work!"  For some reason, the boys seem to get more attention than the girls.  I don't know if it is because they speak English and the girls don't or if it is just because they are a little older than the girls.  Whatever the case, I am having fun spending a little extra time with the girls.  I can tell that they are just soaking it up!  They get so excited to do special things with me from time to time. 

Thank you, God for blessing me with such awesome children (even if they can be quite difficult from time to time...not mentioning any names)!

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