Saturday, February 5, 2011

A family in my cupboard

If you've been reading, you all know that I recently moved into a larger bedroom in our house.  Along with my new room, I also have my own bathroom now!  Before I lived in this room, it was our infant room.  The nannies used the bathroom for bathing the babies and rinsing cloth diapers.  While I was moving in last week, I unknowingly opened the cupboards under the bathroom sink.  Let me tell you, that is a scary place!

The combination of tropical spiders, mice, and water damage turned the shelves under the sink into a very terrifying sight, ha!  So, I quickly closed the cupboard doors and chose to postpone exploring that area until another time.

I decided for no obvious reason that today was the day to brave the cupboards.  After I worked up enough courage, I began gingerly pulling things out of the cupboard one at a time.  As I went, I realized that the nannies had unknowingly created the perfect breeding grounds for mice.  I discovered a large cardboard box, tampons, and what was once a gift basket full of soap and decorative shredded paper.  When I quickly pulled the cardboard box out onto the floor, I realized that there were not one...not two...not even three...BUT SEVEN blind mice living in my bathroom cupboard!!!

I discovered an entire family of tiny mice!  The mama mouse had ingeniously used the shredded paper from the gift basket, the cotton from the tampons, and the big cardboard box to create a cozy mouse condo.  Of course, my natural reaction was to scream as they all fell out of the cardboard box and began crawling around the cupboard.  Dorothy came over to my room to see what the commotion was all about.  I wasn't quite sure what to do about the 6 baby mice squirming around in front of me.  As much as I dislike mice, I did feel bad for the little babies.  We decided the humane thing to do would be to scoop them up in a dust pan and free them outside.  Unfortunately in my hesitation, our dogs beat me to the mice.  I do have to admit, I was a little relieved that they handled the situation.

Oh the surprises that each day bring!  Why does it seem that so many of the daily "surprises" involve rodents and small critters???

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