Our kids are always saying and doing something hilarious. I wish my life was followed by a video camera crew so that I could capture all the moments of my day. I know I forget so many of the things that the kids have said and done.
Rosa, Claudine, and Richardson all go to Sunday school. Recently in church/Sunday school, we have been memorizing John 15. If you don't know that scripture, it starts off, "I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener...." Apparently their teacher has been singing the passage with them to help them remember it. So, they have all been going around the house singing, "I am the travay (Creole work for "to work"). My father is Gandolf (from Lord of the Rings)." When I tried to explain that it is actually, "I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener," they all looked at me like I was crazy. They said, "Miss Katie, that is NOT how it goes!"
Richardson speaks English fluently. However, is he only 6 years old so he is still learning. Not to mention that his two front teeth are missing which makes it harder for him to pronounce words. Some of his common sayings: He often refers to sharp objects by saying they are "shark". When he has a loose tooth, he calls it a "tooth shake". I am frequently referred to as "he or him". When he is scared, he will say things like: "Miss Katie you made me scary!" or "You scarried me!" One day while I was driving us to the vet's office, he pointed to a big blue dump truck and said, "Miss Katie that truck is so beautiful! Why didn't we buy a truck like that?! It is SO beautiful!"
Today while the kids were playing in my bedroom, Claudine flipped on my light switch. When the light turned on she shouted, "Mesi, Bondye pou EDH!" In English that means, "Thank you, God for electricity!" They remind me everyday to thank God for every blessing that we have.
The following are a few recent pictures:
Guerdline and Rosa hanging out on my bed |
Mich and my puppy, Jake, entertaining each other. |
Our cook Eva asked the girls to help her get lunch ready. |
Chacha didn't want to be left out so he quickly joined in. |
Of course anywhere the action is, the puppy also follows! |
I let the girls paint my toenails for me..... |
The result |
Our puppy is back to good health, growing like a weed, and always up to no good...he sure is cute though! |
Christian: so happy and so beautiful |
Of course, what would any blog post be without me showing you my latest "critter" encounter?? At night, anytime I go into the kitchen, I am cautious. That seems to be the time when critters like to come out and search for food. Tonight was no exception. I heard a noise as I walked into the kitchen. Sure enough, I saw a HUGE rat climbing out of a cereal box (disgusting..I know). When he saw me, he went for the usual hiding spot: wedged between the wall and the back of the refrigerator. This time before letting our dog after him, I grabbed my camera. I just KNEW all you blog readers would love to see my gross kitchen rat, right?
Doesn't that tail just make your skin crawl...YUCK! |
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