Thursday, February 3, 2011


I apologize to all you friends/blog readers.  Right now, I've been focusing on sorting things in the house, organizing, moving school supplies onto the shelves in my new room, and giving away things that we do not need.  It is the much less exciting side of living here, ha.  Taking the time to do this is GREAT for our house, but unfortunately, it does not make for very exciting blog posts for all of you.

Our house is pretty much a constant clutter.  You can imagine how difficult it is to keep it tidy with 26 young children around.  Then, factor in our roughly 18 Haitian staff that are working throughout the house in rotating 6 hour shifts everyday/night.  It does not help that culturally, it seems that Haitians do not understand the concept of organization.  So, often times despite our (Dorothy and myself) best efforts, we simply cannot keep this place organized!  We have talked with fellow missionaries who can relate to our frustration.  It could be a full time job to keep things tidy and in order!

I spent the majority of my day sorting baby clothes by size.  The nannies have a bad habit of not bothering to look at sizes before putting clothing on the children. So, I may see a two year old wearing a shirt one day and a five year old wearing the same shirt the next day.  Dorothy and I do our best to try and keep the kids from looking like ragamuffins, but the nannies make it very difficult sometimes!  We decided to store extra clothes under lock and key and ONLY give the nannies the sizes that they currently need.  Another thing that the nannies do is put boys clothing on girls and vice verse.  While I have no problem with boys wearing pink and girls wearing blue, it does seem to confuse our visitors when they see a baby girl wearing a blue onesie with truck on it, ha!

I know that in the grand scheme of things, these problems really do not matter one bit.  But, they are a small part of keeping things running smoothly here at the house.

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