Thursday, September 15, 2011

My new names

While living at Dorothy's house, I had names like Lee Cole Lee (don't ask), E-A-E (that's what Miss Katie sounds like coming from a 2 year old Haitan child), See Katie, and of course Miss Kelly (because they heard me wrong the first time I introduced myself).

Now that I'm here teaching at TLC, I have new names.  Unfortunately, Lee Cole Lee did not die yet.  Richardson is in 1st grade here so once in a while I hear him call, "Lee Cole Lee!"  I just hope all the other students don't catch on to that one, haha!  Some of my students call me Miss Katie.  Some of my students call me Miss Caty (the Haitian way of saying Katie).  One little girl in Kindergarten just cannot seem to catch on to the fact that my name is Miss Katie and NOT Miss Jetline (I have NO clue where she got that from).  The one name that I have not gotten used to being called is "madame".  That is what you call a woman here in Haiti when you are being respectful, but for some reason it just seems so weird for a little child to be calling ME madame.  If they would say, "Teacher" or "pwofese" (Creole for teacher), or even "mama" that wouldn't surprise me as much as calling me madame.  I can't wait to hear what other names I am called this year.  Thankfully, they are all innocent so far!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I love following your blog! I have a question for you in regards to! I'd love it if you'd email me at when you get a chance!


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