Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Funday

I have been wanting to find somewhere to buy a goldfish to have as "a class pet" for my students. I am hoping to coordinate it with a pre-k unit on fish and the ocean. However, Haiti doesn't have a Wal-mart where I can pop in and get a couple fish.

I've been told that there is a store somewhere in Petionville that sells them. However, it was refers to as "the goldfish store" and I was not given an actual name or an address.

Dorothy was up for an adventure so we jumped in the truck with the four older kids and headed up the mountain. I don't think that either of us expected to actually find the store, but it was still nice to get out and explore.

After driving around for about an hour the only thing we had succeeded in doing was stopping along the side of the road so I could buy a plant for my apartment. The kids were starting to complain of hunger, and ask are we there yet?

So, fish-less we headed back down Delmas. We made a pit stop at Epi'dor for sandwiches.

All in all, it was fun getting out with the kids and exploring. And now, my apartment has a beautiful tropical plant to brighten things up! (I just hope I can keep it looking beautiful).

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